Attention! Women Coaches, Speakers, Authors, Creatives, Artists, Healers...

Are You Struggling to Attract Clients...

Who are A Perfect Match for the Work you're Born to do?

FINALLY get crystal clear on WHO you are here to serve... even if you're just starting out!

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There are clients out there who need your expertise, clients you are perfectly designed to work with... but right now they can't find you!

Do you hear about other women's business success stories and wonder what you're missing... because you know you're just as talented, dedicated and hard-working... but still you struggle?

Have you invested in one “expert” after another, maybe even tried different target markets... but still that elusive momentum just doesn't kick in?

Maybe you're just starting out and have no idea who your ideal client would be?

Perhaps there have been days you despaired, and thought about giving up on your dream? 

It could be that you were simply doing this one thing all wrong. I was!


Do you struggle to get your business to really take off?

One of the most challenging tasks.....

is to get crystal clear on exactly WHO you serve. Once you nail this, everything else will fall into place more easily. Until then it will be a struggle.

The challenge is, most of the "experts" teaching this are missing the mark. I know 'cause I've spun my wheels with this over and over again.

Are you overwhelmed, unfulfilled and unfocused? Until you're working with only your ideal clients you'll feel these things because you'll NOT be working in your zone of brilliance. 
Your dream clients will evoke the best in you, and you in them.

Are the crickets the only ones responding to your marketing? When you aren't attracting your perfect clients, or worse yet, not attracting any at all, that's a huge indication that you need to get clearer on who you serve. 
Once you do you'll be much more attractive to those who are looking for YOU.

Liz Fletcher Brown

Coach, Speaker,

CEO Bravehearts Rise Up!

I can relate because I struggled too, until I discovered THE TRUTH about how to attract the perfect clients...

I’ve been an entrepreneur pretty much my entire adult life. But even though I had some sporadic success with my various business projects, I mostly struggled.

 I just didn’t ever seem to get the momentum I wanted. 

I began to really doubt myself. I felt bad that my husband was carrying the weight of our bills. Till, one day it happened.... He suggested it was time to get a JOB!

I had one last chance to make this work, so I got hyper-focused on clarifying and attracting my dream clients. I found lots of templates and listened to many "experts" but they didn't take in to account ME...

I wanted my ideal client to be a perfect fit for my natural gifts and evoke my BRILLIANCE!

That's when I realized I'd been going about it all wrong.

My ideal client wasn't a target market segment, she was a living, breathing person with hopes and desires and fears. She was a perfect match in every way for the work I felt destined to share.

So first I had to get to know ME. Then I had to get to know her like a very best friend!

So I created a unique step-by-step process to help me get focused and to identify who would be the absolutely dream client for me. And that made all the difference!

Now I absolutely LOVE my work. I'm growing my clan and making the difference I was born to make.

And that's what I want for YOU.

"I gained clarity that finally dissolved my overwhelm."

"I have been struggling for months to figure out the next step in taking everything in my heart and putting it into a business.

With Liz, I gained clarity on the next right thing, unlike anything I've had to date. I feel like I was finally able to package up all of my heart's desires and channel them into one next step. I can't wait to see where my journey takes me, and I can't thank Liz enough for her wisdom, her sensitivity to my specific situation, and her ability to bring poignant clarity to dissolve my overwhelm. Thank you, Liz!"

Jaycie Voorhees

imagine your business filled with dream clients

Now introducing...

Find Your FIONA: Clarify, Find and Attract Your Perfect Clients

Stand out from the crowd and build YOUR clan of enthusiastic fans.

What's Inside Find Your Fiona?

walk away with:



Before you can determine who your ideal client is you have to understand your own Superpowers and what makes YOU tick.

Then we can help you decide who will bring out the best in you.

When you are working with clients you are excited about, work is a lot more FUN and it is easier to attract even more of your perfect clients.

walk away with:

You'll explore your sense of purpose and what you are passionate about.

Get clarity around your natural strengths, gifts and talents.

We'll determine what really matters to YOU so you can determine who you are ideally suited to work with.

Get clear about the hobbies and interests that may influence who you attract as your dream clients.

walk away with


clarify your fiona

In this module  I'll help you get super clear on who you are best suited to work with. My ideal client is called FIONA.... Let's discover yours!

By the end of this module you'll know your dream client like they were your best friend. You'll be so inside their head that when they see or hear your marketing messages they'll be convinced you are communicating just to  them!

walk away with:

A powerful process to help you clarify your dream client.

An understanding of YOUR perfect niche.

Know the ONE THING you must know about your dream client that is always overlooked - and will make ALL the difference.

Know your dream client so well they'll think you're inside their head!

walk away with:


Find Your Fiona

In this module, we'll focus on how you're going to find your dream client.

After this module, you'll be able to focus your outreach efforts and resources more efficiently instead of bouncing all over the place in the hope that something will eventually pay off. 

walk away with:

Feel focused and confident in reaching your perfect clients.

Stop spinning your wheels and work smarter, not harder to reach your clan.

Know where your perfect clients hang out and how you can be a "speed bump" in their life.

You'll create a specific list of places to Find Your Fiona!

walk away with:


Attract Your Fiona

This is where we explore how you can attract your dream client into your world. 

Let's face it.... wouldn't you rather have clients coming to you versus you running after them? By the end of this module, you'll be experiencing just that! 

walk away with:

Know how to grab the attention of your ideal clients.

Overcome any objections they might have to purchasing from you.

Clarify the irresistible offer that will bring your perfect clients into your world.

Know the "Secret Sauce" to attract your dream clients and create a clan of enthusiastic fans.

Imagine Doing The Work You Were Meant To Do, With Those You're Destined To Do It With?

Are you struggling to attract clients who are a match in every way for the work you were born to do?

Imagine your clients responding to your marketing in droves because they know you "get them".

imagine Only working with clients you love
that evoke your brilliance, and bring out your best work!

imagine having a clan of enthusiastic followers spreading the message about your great work.

Once you get crystal clear on who you're perfectly designed to serve, everything will fall into place more easily...

Do you struggle with your marketing?

Imagine never having to stress about what to post, blog, podcast or video about again, because you know your perfect client so well.

Always know what pain points and benefits will totally resonate with your clients, and attract them to your work.

Create products and services that will be irresistible to your dream clients.... ones they need, want and will pay for.

Build a a business that feeds your soul, and makes a great income.... and have the support you need to get there!

Included are some special bonuses to support you on your journey!

Powerful Mindset Training

Take The Leap

Starting or growing a business can be a daunting task. There can be many critics along the way. But the biggest one is usually yourself! 

This video training will help you recognize the ways you might be holding yourself back, and give you the tools to Take the Leap and get that momentum going till your business really takes off.


A Transformative Process to dissipate stress

The Undoing Formula

Starting or growing a business is stressful. It often requires going out of your comfort zone. And did you know that your brain hates change... even positive change!

This is a proven 7-step formula to help you unwind stress so you can be more focused, more creative, more productive.. and have more fun! This training is delivered via online video, with downloadable worksheets.


Trello Board

Find Your Fiona trello Template

Capture all the information about your dream client on this customized Trello Board that you can take with your wherever you go. Suddenly get an insight about some aspect of your ideal client that you don't want to forget? Pull out your phone and add it to your board. This is a priceless tool for both creating and organizing your thoughts, and gives you the ability to always have your dream client profile with you. This alone is worth the cost of the program!


It's time to build a clan of raving fans!

Grab this limited-time offer now and get all these!

Find Your FIONA: Clarify, Find and Attract Your Perfect Clients

find your fiona Module 1: Know Thyself

find your fiona Module 2: clarify your fiona

find your fiona Module 3: Find your fiona

find your fiona Module 4: Attract your fiona

Bonus 1: Take the leap video training, a process to help you get that momentum going

bonus 2: The undoing formula, a transformative process to reduce stress

bonus 3: trello board- Find your fiona avatar template

full ecourse Value $297

Value $47

Value $47

Value $47

Total Value = $438

Regular Price = $297

Members Only Promo


Thank you so much, Liz, for your generosity and your love & light. I feel so much more confident, clear, and inspired!

Because of you, I realized that I actually do have fairly good clarity on my dream client! You clarified so many of my concerns and confusions and I now feel way more ready to do the work! Thanks for your loving encouragement and for being a safe space for me to open up freely 😍💖 Hugs!! 💘💘

Rachana Kulkarni

This is the lowest price ever for this program and you aren't likely to see it for this price again! So GRAB IT NOW!


I have been so stuck and confused, going around in circles and Liz guided me to clarity and confidence.

Wow, thank you for a transformative session with Liz Fletcher Brown. Feeling so positive about myself and my coaching ideas now, inspired and fired up to put myself out there. Liz really helped me to get past my fears and believe I can make a success of my business. So grateful for such a precious gift, thank you, thank you!

Lauren Sweet

Liz helped me identify my priorities as well as deal with obstacles to reaching my goals.

Most importantly, Liz has helped me see where I need to put my focus. I appreciate that the program (Full Wattage) is well structured and has a lot of substance, including recent research, to back up the practical exercises. I would recommend this program to anyone who is seeking direction or who feels dissatisfied.

Sonia Feldman


Find Your FIONA: Clarify, Find and Attract Your Perfect Clients

find your fiona Module 1: Know Thyself

find your fiona Module 2: clarify your fiona

find your fiona Module 3: Find your fiona

find your fiona Module 4: Attract your fiona

Bonus 1: Take the leap video training, a process to help you get that momentum going

bonus 2: The undoing formula, a transformative process to reduce stress

bonus 3: trello board- Find your fiona avatar template

full ecourse Value $297

Value $47

Value $47

Value $47

Total Value = $438

Regular Price = $297

Members Only Promo


Digging deep and discarding armor and old habits can be tough, but working with Liz is truly fun, safe, non-confrontational, not stressful, personal, and deep.

The course (Full Wattage) has innumerable tools, techniques, methods, and processes that have become a part of my daily life, and have helped me discover great things and beauty in myself and others… Having access to the modules and recordings anytime was great.

Cynthia Palmer Ph.D.